I found the elders in my congregation to be pretty normal. But then, I didn't get into trouble or go around much with them.
But there was this one elder who was an ex bethelite and was pretty hyper. He always seemed nice but was "extra" spiritual and made you feel pressured. At one time, he did the ministry school and I had a talk in the main hall. I hated writing talks and would do them over and over again. It was a real struggle to do it all and so I would often do the easiest settings. Well at that time, the WT made it even harder on the sisters by making a long list of settings that we HAD to use at least once before we could repeat. Crappy no good jerks who never had to write a householders part too. I couldn't do anything other than the standard setting and I had done it before. So as I sit down at the table, he announces a totally different setting. It doesn't fit the talk. Afterwards he explains that I needed to use the other settings and so he took care of it for me.
So the next time I gave a talk, I asked another elder if my talk was ok and explained what had happened before. He looked concerned. Next time the CO came, the elder was removed from being the ministry school overseer. Next meeting he humbly admits (in a uber dub way) that he was removed because he sat in the audience while a brother would give a talk, and hold up a sign saying "1 min to wrap up" "30 seconds" etc. He was policing everyone to make sure they followed the rules to a T.